Michael Snyder, PhD, director, Stanford Center for Genomics and Personalized Medicine.
PLOS Biology: “Digital Health: Tracking Physiomes and Activity Using Wearable Biosensors Reveals Useful Health-Related Information.”
FastCompany: “These Vibrating Yoga Pants Will Correct Your Downward Dog.”
Business Insider India: “Xiaomi’s first smart glasses can take calls, capture photos, translate text and more.”
The New York Times: “Can Technology Help Us Eat Better?”
Veena Misra, PhD, director, Center for Advanced Self-Powered Systems of Integrated Sensors and Technologies (ASSIST), North Carolina State University.
International Data Corporation: “Wearables Market Sees First Decline at Beginning of 2022 as Demand Normalizes, According to IDC.”
Michael Daniele, PhD, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, North Carolina State University.
JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology: “The WATCH AF Trial: SmartWATCHes for Detection of Atrial Fibrillation.”
Harvard Medical School: “Can a smart watch diagnose a heart attack?”
Alper Bozkurt, PhD, professor of electrical and computer engineering, North Carolina State University.
Stanford Healthcare Innovation Lab: “Infectious Disease and COVID-19 Wearables Study.”
Statista: “The Global Wearables Market Is All About the Wrist.”
Jesse Jur, PhD, director, ecosystem technology, Advanced Functional Fabrics of America; head of nano-extended textiles research, North Carolina State University Wilson College of Textiles.
Athos: “Building Better Athletes.”
Sensoria: “Smart Sock v2.0 & Sensoria Core.”
Biotricity: “Bioheart.”
Nanowear: “Smarter Care. Anywhere.”
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases: “Continuous Glucose Monitoring.”
John Rogers, PhD, professor of materials science and engineering, biomedical engineering, and neurological surgery, Northwestern University.
Sibel Health: “Better Health Data for All,” “Sibel Health Announces FDA Clearance for ANNE One – A Flexible, Wireless Vital Signs Monitoring Platform.”
William Macharia, MD, pediatrician, Aga Khan University, Nairobi, Kenya.
Zhenan Bao, PhD, professor of chemical engineering, Stanford University.
Jason Heikenfeld, PhD, professor of electrical engineering, University of Cincinnati.
Gartner: “Forecast Analysis: Wearable Electronic Devices, Worldwide.”
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